Ode to Words

by Pablo Hernandez

Words are the symbols of great ideas. 
Words live when they cross from me to you.
Words make heavy hearts light,
They are thoughts sealed for many to view.

Words leave the writer, falling on the page, 
The meaning they hold tries to talk out.
Questions artfully getting my thinking started,
Making the solid walls fall to doubt.

Words not spoken are thoughts
Getting hard and too stale to hear.
Try to hear them while they are fresh,
Bringing soft, new words near.


Traduccion: Un tributo a las palabras

Las palabras son el símbolo de grandes ideas.
Las palabras viven cuando se trasladan de mi hacia ti.
Las palabras hacen ligeros a los corazones pesados.
Ellas son pensamientos sellados para ser vistos por muchos.

Las palabras dejan al escritor cayendose sobre la página.
El significado que ellas sostienen intenta hablar.
Las preguntas ingeniosamente inician mi pensamiento,
Hacen que las paredes sólidas caigan en la duda.

Las palabras no dichas son pensamientos
Se vuelven duras y son muy viejas para ser oídas.
Trata de escucharlas mientras estén frescas,
Porque traen suaves y nuevas palabras cerca a ti.

A Movie Recommendation:

I would like to make a recommendation.  My family and I decided to watch a great movie. It was not some car-crashing action film with famous actors; it was not a classic Christmas box office hit. It was learning what the most hard-working autistic students have to say to the world when they are given the chance to communicate.  

Please try to watch the movie “Spellers.” It will make the world understand what we have been through and hopefully many more will be freed from the prison that my non-speaker brothers and sisters have been stuck inside.


Flowing air

This is longing to be a portrait off the world. Calling my friends to make it ours. Realizing I am a part of it and maybe then I enjoy time alone because the world is open, wanting me in it.

Sounds like lonely

No other sounds invited

Hear the movement

The good white noise

Can wash the other sounds

Will not share with noisy, heavy

Called to cover heavy

Used to hide a heart so lonely

Hide in my head the sounds

Of not called, not Invited

The deep hurt under the noise

Tries to make its movement

Always thinking, thoughts earned movement

Thoughts feel too heavy

To make their noise

Playing in lonely

When they are not invited

Want to stop the thinking sounds

Searing more, calling it sounds

Taking my movement

Feeling happy to be invited

Feelings are too heavy

Learning I will be lonely

Can you hear the noise?

Each time I hear the noise

It feels good to hear the sounds

Together we are not lonely

Each goes on in movement

Feeling home is getting heavy

Are we all invited?

You and I, we, ourselves invited

All hearing the noise

Hearts not heavy

Each making our own sounds

We give our movement

Must we get a little lonely?

A little lonely, but feeling more invited,

Feel the sounds of my movement

The noise, at last, light, not heavy.


My Perú

Humble people believing in the love of family, 
The land that calls me back, my Perú.

My heart is calm and singing happily,
The Incan home, our Perú.

The llama, the guanaco the animals that
My people honored, this sacred land, Perú.

The feeling my soul has passed this way
In a dream, in the past, my Perú.

My heroic fathers who fought like Tupac Amaru,
Pablo fights for his freedom too, We are this Perú.

-Pablo Hernandez



Her hard face told me to stop.
Calling in my head to her,
The sweat falls, drop by drop,
Her voice is harsher.

Calling in my head to her,“
Please see me in here,”
Her voice is harsher.
I will not fear.

Please see me in here.
Search, search to find me.
I will not fear.
I know that I can see.

Search, search to find me
in here . Have the eyes to see me.
I know that I can see
My future fading quickly.

– Pablo Hernandez


The Impossible

by Pablo Hernandez

Know some things can feel impossible
Today my goals are far. Can only
Keep moving. Feel the learning flow.

Because I am emotional,
I fail so many times.
Know some things can feel impossible.

Not sure I can face tomorrow,
My feelings overwhelm. I must
Keep moving. Feel the learning flow.

Learn to live, call me responsible,
Learn to grow into a man.
Know some things can feel impossible.

There is much that I don’t know,
Fail and try and try and fail. I will
Keep moving. Feel the growing flow.

Thoughts invade and I must throw
The worst thoughts away. Yes, I know,
Know some things can feel impossible.
Keep moving. Feel the understanding flow.

Who Am I?

(Now and my vision for adult life)

Many people have thought that they knew me, but see me in light of my mute mouth and wrongly understood that I think and feel nothing. People are too blind to see the person that I am behind my happy smile.  I feel that I am loving and kind and also know that I am empathetic and thoughtful, with feelings that can overwhelm my mind and then they cause me to act like an utter fool.  

Adult life for me will be understanding that while I am wanting a full independent life, this may be hard.  Can I live alone? Life tells me that huge challenges can work out.  I hope that I can lead people to want autistic ideas. We have thoughts that neurotypicals might miss.  We think more clearly sometimes.  Understand that maybe the world is missing autistic feelings and they are trying to put us behind the cloud of autism.  They are not seeing our light.  

¿Quién soy yo?

(Ahora y mi visión para mi vida adulta)

Mucha gente ha creído que me conoce pero al verme a la luz de mi boca muda ha entendido equivocadamente que no pienso ni siento nada. La gente está demasiada ciega para poder ver a la persona que soy detrás de mi sonrisa feliz. Siento que soy una persona amorosa y bondadosa y tambien sė que soy empático y considerado y tengo sentimientos que pueden abrumar mi mente y que pueden causarme actuar como un completo idiota.

La vida de adulto para mí será poder entender que aunque quiero una vida completamente independiente, esto puede ser difícil. ¿Puedo vivir solo? La vida me dice que los grandes desafíos se pueden resolver.  Espero que pueda guiar a la gente a querer las ideas autistas. Nosotros tenemos ideas que la gente neurotipica puede que no las tenga.  A veces pensamos de manera más clara. Entiendan que quizás el mundo está perdiendo los sentimientos de los autistas y que están tratando de ponernos detrás de la nube del autismo. Ellos no ven nuestra luz.